Nested & Siblings

These blocks are siblings, they’re on the same level.
I’m a yellow div, I’m a SIBLING of the other yellow div
Hover me to highlight all orange divsHover me to highlight only SIBLINGS orange divs
These blocks are siblings, they’re on the same level.
These elements are siblings, they’re on the same level.
I’m an orange div, I’m NESTED into the yellow div, and I’m a SIBLING of the following orange div. I’m also a SIBLING of the black buttons.

HOVER me to highlight all blue divs.
These blocks are siblings, they’re on the same level.
I’m a blue div, I’m NESTED into the orange div, and I’m a SIBLING of the following blue div
I’m a blue div, I’m NESTED into the orange div, and I’m a SIBLING of the precedent blue div
I’m an orange div, I’m NESTED into the yellow div, and I’m a SIBLING of the precedent orange div
I’m a yellow div, I’m a SIBLING of the other yellow div
I’m an orange div, I’m NESTED into the yellow div, and I’m a SIBLING of the following orange div

Hover me to highlight ONLY NESTED blue divs.
I’m a blue div, I’m NESTED into the orange div, and I’m a SIBLING of the following blue div
I’m a blue div, I’m NESTED into the orange div, and I’m a SIBLING of the precedent blue div
I’m an orange div, I’m NESTED into the yellow div, and I’m a SIBLING of the precedent orange div